Thursday, May 3, 2012

How Natural Is The Supernatural? - Pastor Enid

I recently read a statement that made me pause and think about it.  And the more I have meditated upon that statement, the more thought it seems to provoke.  The statement is, "To us there are two realms- the natural and the supernatural.  To God there is only one- the natural."  At first glance I thought it may be a typo, because we all know that God operates in the supernatural.  But then I realized that what we categorize as supernatural is God's is natural for Him to operate in the supernatural.

The thing that impacted me was the discovery that I too often accept the limitations that the "natural" realm imposes.  I am quick to have faith that God can perform the miraculous, but I sometimes forget that to Him it is completely normal to do so.  And what seems like a big deal to me, probably isn't such a big deal to God because He doesn't even consider my circumstance from the perspective of my "natural".  He looks at our circumstances from a perspective where nothing is impossible-- in fact, nothing is even difficult.  From the perspective of One who is almighty, the amount of effort required is not even a consideration.

I wonder how many times we look at a circumstance or problem and too quickly accept that "it is what it is."  Because while that may be true from a human perspective, as believers we know that sometimes it isn't what it is, or conversely it is what it isn't.  And when God deposits inside of us the power that raised Christ from the dead, He intends for us to use it-- not just for "supernatural" occasions, but for everyday life.  So my goal this week has been to train my mind that supernatural shouldn't be saved for special occasions or emergencies.  That there is not a limited supply of supernatural that I must be prudent not to waste on the small things lest it won't be there for me when I truly need it.  The supernatural isn't the little black dress I pull out of the closet a couple times of's the favorite pair of jeans that I am either wearing or washing on any given day.  Or my most comfortable pair of flip flops that I wish I could wear with every outfit.

So take a minute and ask yourself "how natural is the supernatural to me?"  Because it's possible that the mountain that is standing in your way is something God has already given you the authority to move.   

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